Category: Purity

Is ammonia ammonia? Domestic use

Ammonia and ammonia are synonyms for the same chemical compound. This is the name of the 10th aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide, a substance with a specific pungent odor. In addition to its widespread use in many branches of medicine, the drug greatly facilitates the lives of housewives, helping ...

We erase the “converse” and other fabric sneakers correctly

The fashion brand Converse is equally popular among men, women, and even small children. Wearing such sneakers is convenient, but they look stylish and fit perfectly into almost any look. But there is one thing - washing sneakers in the washing machine must be done correctly. Otherwise, matter is irrevocably ...

How to wash whitewash after repair from the floor, walls and ceiling

Often after the completion of major or cosmetic repairs, all surfaces of the room remain covered with whitewash spots or a layer of lime dust, even if protective polyethylene covers and newspapers were used. It just seems that washing off the whitewash is easy. Despite the fact that the composition is presented ...

Kumquat helps with a hangover - is it true or another folk fiction?

Kumquat - what kind of plant is it with a strange name? He became famous on the Internet as a means to combat alcohol poisoning. But the product appeared recently on the shelves of Russian stores, so people have not yet had time to get used to it. We offer to understand what kind of fruit and really ...

Tips for Using Caustic Soda at Home

The use of caustic soda in everyday life is due to one of its properties - to neutralize fats and other organic pollution.It is the ability to dissolve congestion from dirt and organic accumulation that helps to cope with the cleaning of sewers in the private sector and apartment buildings. Besides, ...

How to wash a tulle at home

Once or twice a year, the time comes for the total cleaning of the apartment or house from deposits of dirt and dust.When you feel that freshness is lost in the house, then the question arises, how to wash the tulle, and then how to dry and iron? Dust is collected not only on the shelves and TV, but also in the upholstery of upholstered furniture, ...

Do I need to iron the bedding set after washing?

Each housewife should find out for herself whether it is necessary to iron the sheets and what benefits this procedure brings. Someone does this for aesthetics, because the ironed sheets give the bedroom a neat look. Someone is sure that stroking kills germs and reduces the risk of dermatological ...

What nuts should be soaked before consumption and why?

To find out why soak nuts before eating, you need to turn to the experience of nutritionists and raw foodists. People who prefer a proper diet, note the presence of protein, vitamins, minerals and a large amount of healthy fats in nuts. The product is also rich in fiber and phytin. ...

The 6 most common cleaning mistakes - did you do the same?

I constantly make 6 common mistakes in cleaning - it became clear when I was hired by a cleaning agency.And no wonder: then I was young and, as they say, was not spoiled by experience. At school, at labor lessons, we were forced to embroider and plan sandwiches, but they never told us ...

Classic and unusual ways to peel and chop pineapple

On the shelves among fruits and vegetables, a tropical fruit - pineapple stands out. So bright and fragrant - how he would have decorated a festive table! Buying it, the housewives do not think about how to peel a pineapple, and encounter this problem when the guests are on the doorstep. Pineapple doesn't compare in cleaning ...

Is it worth washing the vacuum cleaner with water, what parts are washed

Now it is impossible to imagine how the housewives would cope with cleaning without a vacuum cleaner. Meanwhile, the household assistant also needs care: sometimes you need to wash the vacuum cleaner under water, replace garbage bags and update filters. In doing so, be careful when washing the appliance. Is it possible ...

How and how to wash ketchup stains from the fabric?

It's a shame when your favorite things get dirty due to some minor oversight! It is good if the spots that appear appear to be able to be removed quickly and effortlessly, but in practice it almost always turns out the opposite. It is especially problematic to wipe ketchup off white clothing, whether it be a sweater, T-shirt or shirt....

Choose a grease filter for hoods

A modern kitchen is inconceivable without a special air cleaner installed above the stove.A grease filter for hoods is an indispensable part in this design, because pollution reduces the service life of equipment and puts it out of order. Also, soot is dangerous, leading to a malfunction of the device....

How to wash a felt-tip pen from a child’s skin?

Parents should remember that washing a felt-tip pen from a child’s skin is much easier when it is water-based. In this case, it is sufficient to use warm water and a small amount of mild baby soap. If you make sure that the baby will use just such devices, problems ...

Which mattress filler is best for a healthy sleep?

Healthy sleep and good rest cannot be achieved without a comfortable mattress made of durable and safe materials. If earlier fillers for mattresses were mainly represented by foam rubber and batting, today these products consist of a combination of the latest materials. Mattresses fill ...

How can I quickly remove a sticker from clothes without a trace?

Label manufacturers have tried their best, having developed elements that are characterized by durability of use, but this quality also has a negative side. Fashion and tastes change, so one day there is a desire to remove the sticker from the clothes, and to do this is not easy. In some cases, remove ...